Kickass - KAT - Kickasstorrents - Site Status and Official Mirrors List

In fact, due to its simplicity and a huge collection of torrent files, it was the most visited BitTorrent directory in the world. Also, Kickass torrents (KAT cr) is one of the best torrent sites after Pirates Bay. The original KAT site was banned in 2016, however many look-alikes kickass proxy sites, and mirrors appeared after its demise. 19/06/2017 · Many webmasters have created Kickass Torrent mirrors & KAT proxy (some of them are directly from KAT staff) to ensure that people who are in need, can always access KAT site even if its domain changes or the site is banned for their IP/location. Below is the list of 50 KAT Mirrors & Kickass Torrent sites which are available to help you access Kickass torrent without using proxy. Even the main According to torrent freaks news blog, 1337x is the sixth most popular kat proxy torrent. It is also one of the world’s biggest verified torrent website. One thing we’ve observed about 1337x is that this torrent website has a unique user-friendly interface. You should give it a try. You will love it. Fans of the torrent directory voiced their desire for free content downloads. As a result, former KAT staff made mirrors and proxy sites in December of 2016. A few are still running to date. Though proxy sites can gain access to blocked online resources, one cannot simply enter Kickass Torrents nowadays. It might be for the following reasons

30 Jun 2020 For instance, whenever you use a Kickass Torrent Proxy web site, your browser connects to the Kat proxy after which the proxy connects to the 

But, KAT consumers are much interested to get it anyhow. That is where those Kickass proxy websites or KAT mirror websites pop up. Within this guide, you will find some of the very best working proxy websites for Kickass torrents together with their accessibility and rate. I have to state that the proxy websites are actual bliss for all torrent

21 Jul 2020 The Pirate Bay is the Big Boss of the torrent marketplace. So far, it is known to be the most resilient one. Unlike the KAT, TBP doesn't claim to 

Kickass torrents (KAT)was one of the most popular torrenting websites that offers a experience and great alternatives for Kickass torrent Proxy / KAT Proxy. Autodownloads now use the configured torrent provider - Revamped the way torrent and added back TPB mirror selection to torrent settings, Changed default KAT proxy gui v0.22 : Fixed TPB parsing v0.21 : Added setting to disable torrent  Are you looking for a free torrent downloading site after KAT's shutdown? Here's a list of 20+ Torrent sites like Kickass Torrent &  23 Jun 2020 Best Kickass Torrents And Proxy For 2019 KickassTorrents (KAT) provides you the directory for 4. Yify torrent Yify Torrent is mainly dedicated